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How to Read and Write excel files in Selenium using Apache POI

Excel-Reading in Selenium

Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorial, in this post, we will see how to Read and Write excel files in Selenium

Selenium support only Web browser automation so for Read and Write excel files in Selenium we have to take help of third party API like JExcel and Apache POI

Apache POI is an API, which is freeware and written in Java and gives so much flexibility to read/write files it has so many predefined methods, classes, and interfaces.

Once you move to next step like designing framework then you must be familiar with excel file. We have to use this concept while designing Data Driven Framework as well.

Another point this is one of the most important questions in interviews as well and you should be having complete knowledge of it.


Read and Write excel files in Selenium

Step 1- Download apache poi jar file as below

Go to Official website of Apache POI and Click on the download section

Read and Write excel files in Selenium

Read/Write Excel file in Selenium


Now Click on the below mention link

Read and Write excel files in Selenium

Read/Write Excel file in Selenium


All jar files will come in zip files, Extract it and you will get final jar folder looks like this

Read/Write excel files in Selenium

Read/Write Excel file in Selenium

Add all jar files or below mention, jar files into Project.


Read/Write excel files in Selenium

Read/Write Excel file in Selenium

Step 2- How to add Jar files

Select project then Right click on project > Build path > Configure build path > Click on lib section > Add external jar
Precondition- Create a xlsx file and enter some data to read and save file at particular location.


Read Excel file using Apache POI

In below example, I am reading simple .xlsx file

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class ReadandWriteExcel {

 public static void main(String []args){
  try {
  // Specify the path of file
  File src=new File("filepath/excelsheetname.xlsx");

   // load file
   FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);
   // Load workbook
   XSSFWorkbook wb=new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
   // Load sheet- Here we are loading first sheetonly
      XSSFSheet sh1= wb.getSheetAt(0);
  // getRow() specify which row we want to read.

  // and getCell() specify which column to read.
  // getStringCellValue() specify that we are reading String data.






  } catch (Exception e) {





Write Excel file Selenium Webdriver

Now if you are familiar with reading excel then it is just a cup of tea now

In below example, I am  writing .xlsx file




import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class ReadandWriteExcel {

 public static void main(String []args){

  try {

  // Specify the file path which you want to create or write

  File src=new File("./testdata/test.xlsx");

  // Load the file

  FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);

   // load the workbook

   XSSFWorkbook wb=new XSSFWorkbook(fis);

  // get the sheet which you want to modify or create

   XSSFSheet sh1= wb.getSheetAt(0);

 // getRow specify which row we want to read and getCell which column







// here createCell will create column

// and setCellvalue will set the value




// here we need to specify where you want to save file

 FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(new File("location of file/filename.xlsx"));

// finally write content 


// close the file


  } catch (Exception e) {






Some companies also use CSV files to store the data and some also use Databases to store the data so based on your requirement you can select any data source.

I hope you have enjoyed the article if yes then share with your friends and colleagues as well.

Please comment in below section if you are facing any issue. Thanks For visiting my blog keep in touch


About Mukesh Otwani

I am Mukesh Otwani working professional in a beautiful city Bangalore India. I completed by BE from RGPV university Bhopal. I have passion towards automation testing since couple of years I started with Selenium then I got chance to work with other tools like Maven, Ant, Git, GitHub, Jenkins, Sikuli, Selenium Builder etc.

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160 thoughts on “How to Read and Write excel files in Selenium using Apache POI

  1. RANJAN V says:

    Nicely Explained))))

  2. Akshata k says:

    HI ,Please may i know how to write data to excel which is read
    from the webtable?

    1. Hi Akshata, what is the issue here?

  3. Disha says:


    getRow() and getCell() are non static methods that belongs to XSSFSheet class, as per java rule to invoke a non static method we need to create an object right but we are invoking getRow and get Cell() without creating object of XSSFSheet class.

    Can you please clear this doubt of mine?? Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Disha,

      This is because of method chaining, we get the reference of class/interface and with that reference, we can call the methods.

  4. Manmohan says:

    Good evening sir
    help me for the below code
    using any loop to read all data from excel file instead of this much of line







    1. Hi Manmohan,

      Use 2 for loops. Outer for loop goes with row number and inner for loop does with column number

  5. Leela says:

    Hi MUkesh,

    Can you please share if you have article for reading the data from excel and passing it to my TestNG scripts. instead of hard coding the values like in case of username, password etc.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Leela,

      Apologies, I don’t have such post as it is custom requirement which is part of framework design. The framework could be of many ways because it depends business requirements. You can create some utility methods which can read required data from excel file and feed them into test class/methods.

      1. Ketam Srinivas says:

        This is the Utility method, Reading data from excel dynamically hope this helps you.
        public String getRowAndCoulmn(int row, int column) {
        File src = new File(filePath);
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(src);
        XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
        XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
        String getRowAndColumn = sheet.getRow(row).getCell(column).getStringCellValue();
        return getRowAndColumn;


        1. Hi,

          Before calling String getRowAndColumn = sheet.getRow(row).getCell(column).getStringCellValue(); statement, check for Cell type

          1. Ketam srinvias says:

            Thank you for the Suggestion. I do go with that way, Once. But what is the main use of, checking the celltype.

          2. Hi Ketam,

            Based on Cell type only, you can call which method to read what type of data from the corresponding cell. Because excel cell type could of type date, numeral, general…etc

          3. Hi Ketam,

            Based on Celltype only, you can call which method to read what type data from corresponding cell. Because excel cell type could of type date, numeral, general…etc

  6. Sai says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    I have test case in one test package, login page in another package, test utilities in another package.

    What should I write under @dataProvider in my test case ? I am calling my login page method from my test case, and I am calling data provider method from login page.

    In this case, what should I mention (@dataProvider = “?” ) in test case and @dataProvider (name = “?”) in my login page method?

    I have 2 classes in utilities package.
    1. ExcelUtils – Contains getRowCount, getColCount, getCellData methods
    2. ExcelDataProvider – testData method to call ExcelUtils methods

    Sorry, I am confused in what to write and where . I am using hybrid framework.

    Please help

  7. XBlade says:




    1. Hi Paras,

      I’ll post it soon…:)

  8. swetha says:

    HI Mukesh,

    I just want to know how to read row data and column data saparetley in excel file using selenium automation

    1. Hi Swetha,

      The way you traverse in Matrix using row following by column the same way you need to mention till which column need to address.

  9. Chaitanya says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    Can you please suggest me how to read data from excel sheet and write it in xml file.

    1. Hi Chaitanya,

      Since you already visited my blogpost, for xml part you can refer this link

  10. Kiruthika says:

    Can you plz suggest me how to read data from ods file.I tried installing Apache poi ods toolkit but didn’t workout.

    1. Hi Kiruthika,

      Apache POI Toolkits are already outdated for Open Office/Libre Office file formats. You can try with jOpenDocument library but I am not sure fully about it.

  11. Bittu says:

    Hi Mukesh, i am still getting error while writing in excel sheet. The file gets corrupted

    DOMSource cannot be processed: check that saxon8-dom.jar is on the classpath
    Fail to save: an error occurs while saving the package : The part /docProps/core.xml failed to be saved in the stream with marshaller org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.marshallers.ZipPackagePropertiesMarshaller@657c8ad9

    1. Hi Bittu,

      I hope that you are using Apache POI 3.17 version with Java 8.

      1. Bittu says:

        Hi Mukesh,

        I used apache poi 4.0 and 3.4 both, added in build path ..external jars


        1. Hi Bittu,

          Use only 3.7 only.

  12. Niketan says:

    Hi Mukesh,
    Can you tell me how to write a long data in excel sheet.

    1. Hi Niketan,

      Excel itself will except max of 15 digits numerical value which it can keep without changing to another format. Open excel file -> right click on any cell -> Format Cells -> select Number with Decimal places as ‘0’ -> Ok

  13. suresh says:


    Through excel file username is fetching as integer…for ex: if username is 123456789 in excel sheet but while running script it coming as “Cannot get a STRING value from a NUMERIC cell”


    Please give solution for this

    1. Hi Sureshh,

      You have to use cell.getNumeriellValue because Apache POI reads always data as per cell type. Once you get double value, convert it to String type like
      String s = String.valueOf(double) and proceed with sendKeys

      1. suresh says:

        Hi Mukesh,

        in excel integer value : 917232345267

        WebElement str=driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//input[@id=’ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UserName’]”));

        after executing getting value as 9.17232345267E1

        pls suggest

        1. Hi Suresh,

          Use this new java.text.DecimalFormat(“0”).format(cell.getNumericCellValue()) where cell is of type Cell

  14. deepak gupta says:

    hi i m having excel sheet with three rows,
    1st and 2nd with incorrect user name and password
    3rd with correct username n password
    want to use this excel data into web application trying all the data with result pass and failed updated excl

    1. Hi Deepak,

      This link will help you.

  15. Suraj says:

    Hi mukesh..

    Why you use try catch in every program

    1. Hi Suraj,

      Try Catch block is used to handle exception as situation may come in future if not present, where Exception might be thrown which you need to handle to avoid unnecessary termination of code.

  16. Nehal says:

    Through excel file username is fetching as decimal…for ex: if username is 1234 in excel sheet but while running script it coming as 1234.0
    Please give solution for this

    1. Hi Nehal,

      Apache POI reads numerical data as double so in your case convert it into int like
      double data = 1234.0
      int value = (int)data this will make it to 1234 so you will get rid of decimal part
      later on convert this into String(if it is required)

  17. sree says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    I need to search for a particular string in entire excel sheet and get the value from other column from the same row. I have 5-6 rows with that particular string. And compare the data in another sheet which is also having large data and matched with multiple rows. How an I do this? Can you please help?

    1. Hi Sree,

      If you have big amount of data into excel then it is nor recommendable to use excel because it slows whole process. But still you proceed with excel file and you can observe how much considerable time it takes to complete your verification step. Mean while you can also try Fillo library. Because in future if your data moves into database then this library will help you alot.

  18. sukhvir says:

    i am trying to write a excel file. but it does not write if the file is empty means dont have any data. it returns null.if it has data then it writes. whats the reason.

    1. Hi Sukhvir,

      What exception message are you getting ?

    2. vikas says:

      Hi Sukhvir,

      You need to write if condition for that, means if your row or column is empty then perform your respective actions.

  19. Naveen M says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    I’m trying to read the data using jexcel by following one of your video in youtube. But i’m getting the following error in the console. ‘

    Command format: Demo [-unicode] [-csv] [-hide] excelfile
    Demo -xml [-format] excelfile
    Demo -readwrite|-rw excelfile output
    Demo -biffdump | -bd | -wa | -write | -formulas | -features | -escher | -escherdg excelfile
    Demo -ps excelfile [property] [output]
    Demo -version | -logtest | -h | -help

    Please help me in solving the issue

    1. Hi Naveen, Please use Apache POI for reading excel now.

  20. Rajnish says:

    Hi Mukesh, please help me to import the links on excel sheet. actually, I am working on the program where I get all links on my console of selenium but I want to write these links import on the excel sheet.

    1. Hi Rajnish,

      As you already mentioned that you are getting all links on console so you can redirect same to write into excel file. Only thing which you need to ensure is, keep on incrementing row number after each iteration.

  21. Ghouse says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    Is there a way of renaming the same Excel file after editing?

    1. Hi Ghouse,

      Java provides built in method for renaming file from file explorer. Please check this link

    2. Hi Ghouse,

      Java provides built in method for renaming file from file explorer

  22. Navneet says:

    Hi I am trying to load properties file in selenium like below:
    prop = new Properties();
    File src=new File(“C:\\Users\\Dell\\eclipse-workspace\\ProjectTestPack\\src\\main\\java\\com\\auto\\qa\\config”);
    FileInputStream ip = new FileInputStream(src);
    Getting below error please help on this C:\Users\Dell\eclipse-workspace\ProjectTestPack\src\main\java\com\auto\qa\config (Access is denied

    1. Hi Navneet,

      Please provide full path of file like C:\\Users\\Dell\\eclipse-workspace\\ProjectTestPack\\src\\main\\java\\com\\auto\\qa\\

  23. Nithya says:

    Appreciate your effort.Clear explanation.Easy to follow.Thanks

  24. Nikhil says:

    Hello Mukesh,

    You have shared pretty much important stuff.
    I have question while reading data from excel sheet. How to handle blank cells for xSSF workbook. I am searching a alot for this. But cudnt get anything helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

  25. Dinesh Guptha Sivaguru says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    Do you have any materials or videos available to write the code for to fetch the web table data?

    1. Hi Dinesh,

      Web Table html design differs in every web applications. First of all you need to find out the total number of rows available in web table. Then based on tr iterate through td. Finally do getText() or getAttribute(“innerHTML”) to get actual content from web table.

      1. Dinesh Guptha Sivaguru says:

        Ok, Mukesh. I will try and let you know and thanks for your immediate responses.

  26. Narayan Boolchandani says:

    Hi Mukesh
    Very useful and informative content you share in Learn-automation portal. One thing I am facing problem that i want to fetch the xpath and text values from UI and write it to in excel sheet. Please suggest how should i do this, and if you may provide framework than it will help me.
    Thanks a lot.

    1. Hi Narayan,

      Xpath for you can find using firepath plugin in firefox and to get text values in those fields, you can make use of getAttribute() where you can provide property name against which required value exists.

  27. Waheed Ahmed says:

    The User name and password for login is stored in excel sheet in two columns. I want to read the username/password from the excel sheet. If it’s a valid user name/pwd I just wanted to Write “Pass” in new column else I need to write it as “Fail” . Write pass and fail based on succeful login into excel file not hardcoding values. How to do it?

      1. Waheed Ahmed says:

        Thank you Mukesh for your kind pointer.. I have watched that video .. What I am looking for is once first UserName and Password combination is validated successfully in excel file in the corresponding column it should show PASS else show Failed…

        1. Yes for that you need to write logic 😉

  28. Dinesh Guptha Sivaguru says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    First, I would like to say thanks for doing this great video presentation and these videos will be very useful for beginners like me.

    My Q is: I want to write the web table data into an excel sheet as it is on the web page.Could you please let me know how to proceed on this?

    1. Hi Dinesh,

      For reading data from WebTable, you need to use two loops(one nested inside another) in which outer iterates row and inner one for column. You can use same loop for iterating through excel row followed by column number.

  29. Daisy G says:

    Hi Mukesh, nice tutorial. Is there a way to directly read a column value from excel without iterating through all the columns or hard coding the column index in getcell().

    1. Hi Daisy,

      Reading a cell value from an excel file is just accessing a cell from a two dimensional matrix. In 2D matrix, you can iterate based on row number followed by column number. Similarly, if you want to access any cell then obviously row number followed by column number is must. One more thing, without creating workbook object, it is not possible to access any cell inside excel file and this is what Apache POI defined.

  30. khushali says:

    i m fetching the value from the excel but it comes into the float.and i want value in int. so i used getnumericalvalue(). but its gives me an error. tell me how to convert it.

  31. Lavanya says:

    Hi Mukesh,
    with this blog and the videos you have created, i have learned much about selenium .

    I need a help for the below code:
    if(cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
    String str = NumberToTextConverter.toText(cell.getNumericCellValue())
    Error is:
    1.cell.getCellType() : it shows as deprecated.
    how to fix this?
    Not found Exception displayed
    please help me to fix these two!!


  32. Anjana says:

    Hi Mukesh
    My code for reading and writing on excel works fine with try and catch exception included but my code shows error without it.
    Can you help me to figure out the reason behind it.

    1. Hi Anjana,

      It is because it will throw checked exception so if we dont handle then we can’t run our scripts.

  33. bhavani says:

    Hi,This site is very useful,

    i need to read multiple data from excel sheet(apache poi) ,m unable to write.ex:
    login application->open some link->fill employee form->close->again login with other employee->open link->fill form->aftre filling form ->again fill other details

  34. harshal says:

    hi mukesh,
    1) is this possible to automate any type of captcha??
    2) Is this possible to Read and write excel simentenously??

    1. Hi Harshal,

      1- No
      2- No, both can be done individually.

  35. arjun says:

    Very Nice tutorial Mukesh sir

  36. Rithesh says:

    I used CreateRow instead of getRow, now its working fine.

  37. Rose says:

    Hi Mukesh-
    I already figured out the solution. Thanks.

  38. Bhushan Patil says:

    Hi Mukes h
    How can automate captcha??

  39. Jithin says:

    How to refresh an Excel file Using Apache POI

    1. It refresh excel automatically

  40. akash gupta says:

    hi mukesh,
    actually, I am a manual tester having 2 years of experience. Now, I am learning selenium from your videos and literally saying, these are fantastic.

    But I have a question:
    I am not good in fetching data from excel through apache poi. can u please give mail a complete video of how to read multiple sets of data for a test case from excel sheet.

  41. satish says:

    When i am reading data from excel. I am getting this error message. for loop was not running second time.
    Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
    at testpackage.excelwebrerad.main(

    1. Hi Satish,

      It seems you have used packages of JXL jars too. Make sure only POI jars added and then run the script.

  42. Bjoern says:

    Dear Mukesh,

    i am looking for a way to get the results from a test in selenium ide out to an excel sheet. i found your video instructions on Jxcl and Apache POI but am missing the link between the excel issue and the results i got from the echo command in the selenium ide shell.

    This is the data i am looking for to export:

    [info] Playing test case
    [info] Executing: |echo | ${Nettopreis} | |
    [info] echo: € 817,68*
    [info] Executing: |echo | ${EAN} | |
    [info] echo: 4035694005136
    [info] Executing: |echo | ${Versand} | |
    [info] echo: Frei Haus
    [info] Executing: |echo | ${Lieferzeit} | |
    [info] echo: 38 Tage

    what is the recommended procedure? thank you for help

    1. Hi Bjoern,

      I am not good in Selenium IDE so not sure on this 🙁 Just a quick question why you are still trying with Selenium IDE? You can switch back to webdriver and you can play with all features.

      1. Bjoern says:

        Hi Mukesh,
        thanks for answering quickly. I liked the easy way to use the selenium ide, it is very visual and you can see the steps/performance at once.
        you mean using webdriver in java? with your videos i now know to read and write excel sheets in java, but i am not clear about how the connection to selenium works. do you have a hint, pls?

        1. Yes sure I have shared some videos with you. Kindly check ur email 🙂 If you did not get any email then let me know.

          1. Bjoern says:

            thank you Mukesh, received.

          2. Bjoern says:

            Got an error message: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms

            I am using Eclipse Neon Release (4.6.0).

          3. Bjoern says:

            Thanks again, unfirtunately i still have the same error:
            org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms

            it further states:

            Firefox console output:
            — see
            LdrLoadDll: Blocking load of ‘pmls.dll’ — see

            thank you for assisting.

          4. Bjoern says:

            That was the solution! Thank you! ist this a temporary issue of FF? what do you think?

          5. Yes I think so. I am using 46 version of FF and its working smoothly.

          6. Bjoern says:

            Yes, i have read that in other forums, too. Consider to downgrade, is that recommendable?

            other issue: i was thinking about exporting my test from Selenium IDE to Eclipse and then append the code with functions to print data to an excel sheet. might that work?

            Selenium IDE offers different export options to java. which one should i use?


            Java/JUnit4/WebDriver Backend

            Java/JUnit4/Remote Control

            Java/JUnit3/Remote Control


            Java/TestNG/Remote Control

            Thanks for helping.

          7. Select Java/TestNG/WebDriver only for converting.

          8. Bjoern says:

            Hello, again,
            i chose the first option called “JUnit4/WebDriver”, imported and opened it with Eclipse and run. Produced the result:
            “No test found with test runner JUnit4”

            am i missing the point here? how do i get the results?
            k.r. Björn

          9. It seems you have used JUNIT, Kindly select TestNG and then run the test.

            Note- Make sure you have installed TestNG in your eclipse if not then use below link to install

        2. what a nice discussion between Mukesh and his reader,,,, Hats off !!!

  43. ajit says:

    Hi Mukesh ,
    I am trying to to fetch the single web Element and store it into Excel file
    so far i got success up to print the output on the console but i need to write into the Excel file.
    any suggestions will be great help

    1. Yes Ajit it quite easy. What issues you are getting?

  44. Rahul says:

    How to fetch multiple data types from excel .For ex. In your blog it is mentioned as “getRow(0).getCell(0).getStringCellValue()); ” .If in the excel there are string,Int ,DOuble etc how can we fetch it in for loop ?

    1. Hi Rahul,

      to get numeric value use getNumericCellvalue method

  45. Chino says:

    Hi Mukesh. It’s my first time in reading and writing excel file in Selenium. So for practice purposes, I just copied your example code. I have already setup and installed the POI jars. I wonder why the code below returned null. Thanks

    package files;


    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    public class WriteExcel {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    File excel = new File(// excel path in (.xlsx) file format));
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(excel);
    XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
    XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0);


    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(excel);

    catch(Exception e){



    1. Hi Chino,

      Have you changed the excel file path in below link File excel = new File(// excel path in (.xlsx) file format));

      1. Chino says:

        Take a look at this one, surrounded it with TRY..CATCH block.

        a. The e.getMessage returns null
        b. Should we close the workbook, or the fileoutputstream?

        package files;


        import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
        import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

        public class WriteExcel {

        public static void main(String[] args) {

        File excel = new File(“D:\\NINZO\\RC_automation_tests\\GigMeOnline_PageFactory\\Gigme_UserCredentials.xlsx”);
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(excel);
        XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
        XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0);


        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(excel);

        catch(Exception e){



        1. Hi,

          make below changes

          old code fos.close();
          new code wb.close();

  46. Anoop says:

    Hello ,

    Can we Read/Write data from open office document having extension like “.ods”.
    Please advise how to do that.

    Thanks for good tutorial.

    1. yes anoop we can do that. You can use HSSFWOrkbook class for this.

  47. sudhr says:

    11.Suppose you have 3000 test data, can you automate using Excel sheet.How ? are there any drawbacks

    1. I used excel and I don’t find any drawbacks. You can create some reusable methods which will accept Sheet name and row,column as parameter and will return the date,.

  48. Jayesh says:

    Hi Mukesh, How can we insert a column at the start in the existing excel sheet?

    1. Hi Jayesh,

      You can use createCell to create column in excel

  49. sudhr says:

    how to get all the values from excel sheets and all types(string,int…) of values

    1. you can create custom method which will do this. COde will be something like this.

      if(cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
      String str = NumberToTextConverter.toText(cell.getNumericCellValue())

  50. shil says:

    Hi Mukesh,
    I have a query.
    I need to fetch the data from an excel as dump. but i wanted to ignore/skip one specific column. How to do this?

    1. Hi Shilpa,

      I did not understand by work dump 🙁 What is the exact requirement.

  51. zainkk says:

    Dear Mukesh,
    i was trying to write comments on “For better Reporting Capture Screenshot Selenium Webdriver” URL “”
    i am facing the problem on FileUtils class is not showing me and ever its methods, pic 1 and if i am trying to selecting FileUtils ( its writing script pic 2 “” then showing all methods but not taking screen shots.
    i drooped an email to you also, thanks in advance.

  52. Satyam Kumar says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    I tried to read data from Excel sheet, which is working fine.

    While I tried to get Numeric data like phone number and use it in sendKeys, I am getting “Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get a text value from a numeric cell” error.

    Please help me in resolving the issue.


    1. Hi Satyam,

      Use getNumericCellvalue to read data in case digit.

      Sample code

      double data=rest-of-the-code.getNumericCellvalue();

      String phoneNumber=Double.toString(data);

  53. harsh says:

    hi mukesh want to know how to read from excel and the data in excel is a user input and perform operation and print the output in that same spreadsheet

    1. Hi Harsh,

      Have u tried the code from u your side? What issue you are facing ?

  54. sunita says:

    hii mukesh…thanks for sharing such a nice tutorial…
    i m getting error while writing in excel file its saying Can’t open the specified file: ‘C:\sunita_java\ta.xlsx
    and when i try to open my excel file its giving file is corrupt or file format is incorrect.

    1. Hi Sunita,

      sorry for late reply. is this fixed?

      1. dummy1333 says:

        hi, i want to know How can i parameter login info & screenshot taken in POM

        1. Hi,

          Below link will help you

      2. Geetha says:

        Hi Mukesh, I created excel sheet using Selenium webdriver script, but when I try to attach it, it is saying that the format is incorrect. My logic is to create a xlsx using code, do the read/write operation and later delete it. So, each time, I want to create a new xlsx file. Do you have any soultion for this ?

        1. Hi Geetha,

          Check the version and check manually are you able to open the file

  55. vijay cyrus says:

    Nice content Mukesh, I can read/write excel sheets using these tutorials. Great work. Keep it up..

    1. Hi Vijay,

      Cheers. Please explore other topics as well.

  56. Deepak says:

    Actually i’m getting an error “Error: Could not find or load main class ReadExccel.ReadExcelData”, although i have written the code same as your’s…there is no compilation issue.

  57. Enamul Hoque says:

    I like your video lectures. These are explained in such a way that the tutorials become very easy to understand.

    1. Thanks Enamul, Glad to know that you Liked it 🙂 keep visiting.

      1. Malaisamy J says:

        Hi Mukesh,

        I have few doubt. Can we open excel file and write whatever we want?

        Through Selenium webdriver.

        Malaisamy J

        1. Hi Malaisamy J,

          You can do in diff sheet.

  58. Ranu says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    As i seen you created a library for read excel and than explained how to use it in any program but same i am not getting for write excel. Can you please provide any reference.

    1. Hi Ranu,

      Have you tried the code from your end if yes then please send me your code I will correct it and will revert back.

  59. sai says:

    hii can u please give me code to validate the login functionality with different usernames and passwords from xlsx file
    and it should store the result in the same file

    1. Hi Sai,

      THis is called DDF and I have covered the same in

      Writing result in the same file will upload by this weekend.

  60. mashres says:

    Hello Mukesh

    when i run the result is not passed to the excel sheet

    1. Hi Mahesh,

      Sorry I did not get your doubt. Can you explain in detail?

  61. Raghavendra says:

    Script to copy all sheets from a excel to single sheet in new excel file
    package ExcelAutomation;


    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    import testBase.PhyWebTestBase;
    import utility.PhyWebUtil;

    public class CopyExcel extends PhyWebTestBase
    public CopyExcel() throws Exception

    //String sheetName1=”1 New and Changed Brands,Form or Strength and Manufacturers”;
    public void CopyFile() throws Exception
    String sheetName1=”1 New and Changed Brands,Form or Strength and Manufacturers”;
    String srcFilePath = “/Users/raghavendra/Automation/Scripts/4 Weekly Database Changes/Old Databases/885/2015_09_29_Changed_Data_For_Release_885.xlsx”;
    String destFilePath = “/Users/raghavendra/Automation/Scripts/4 Weekly Database Changes/Old Databases/885/1 New and Changed Brands,Form or Strength and Manufacturers1.xls”;
    String sheetName,cellData = null;
    int a,row = 0,row1=0,colCount = 0,newRowCount;
    double cellData1 = 0;
    XSSFSheet sheet1 = null;
    XSSFWorkbook workbook1 = null;
    XSSFRow rowData1 = null;
    FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(srcFilePath));
    XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
    FileOutputStream destFile;
    destFile=new FileOutputStream(new File(destFilePath));
    workbook1 = new XSSFWorkbook();
    XSSFSheet sheet=workbook.getSheetAt(sheetnum);
    if(sheetName.equals("New Brands") || sheetName.equals("Changed Brands") || sheetName.equals("New Form Strength") || sheetName.equals("Changed Form Strength") || sheetName.equals("New Manufacturers") || sheetName.equals("Changed Manufacturers"))
    sheet=PhyWebUtil.getSheetFromExcel(srcFilePath, sheetnum);
    newRowCount = row+rowCount;
    if(sheetName.equals("New Brands"))
    sheet1 = workbook1.createSheet(sheetName1);
    if(sheetName.equals("New Brands")|| sheetName.equals("Changed Brands") || sheetName.equals("New Form Strength") || sheetName.equals("Changed Form Strength"))
    else if(sheetName.equals("New Manufacturers") || sheetName.equals("Changed Manufacturers"))
    for(row = row1;row<=newRowCount-1;row++)
    rowData1 = sheet1.createRow(row1);
    for(col=0;col1 && row==row1)
    }//End for1
    }//try end
    catch (Exception e)

    1. What is the issue in this?

  62. Dhruti says:

    I am trying to to cell and getting error. can I g help here please.


    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

    public class excelPOIcode
    public static FileInputStream excelFile;
    public static XSSFWorkbook wb;
    public static XSSFSheet sheet;
    public static XSSFRow row;
    public static XSSFCell cell;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    String value = getCellData(3,1);
    String value1 = getCellData(4,1);
    String value2 = getCellData(4,1);
    String writeData = setCellData(“Paryushan”,1,1);

    // creating common method to call it pass row column values and use it thru’out the project
    public static String getCellData(int rowNum, int col) throws IOException
    excelFile = new FileInputStream(“C:\Users\Dhruti\Desktop\autotest suite\Homedepotsearch.xlsx”);
    wb = new XSSFWorkbook(excelFile);
    sheet = wb.getSheet(“search”);
    row = sheet.getRow(rowNum);
    cell = row.getCell(col);
    return cell.getStringCellValue();


    public static String setCellData(String colData, int rowNum1, int col1) throws IOException
    excelFile = new FileInputStream(“C:\Users\Dhruti\Desktop\autotest suite\Homedepotsearch.xlsx”);
    wb = new XSSFWorkbook(excelFile);
    sheet = wb.getSheet(“type”);
    row = sheet.getRow(rowNum1);
    cell = row.getCell(col1);
    //String tcell = cell.setCellValue(colData);

    return setCellData(colData, rowNum1, col1);


    1. Hi Dhruti,

      I have created 2 video’s tutorials for this.
      Please watch and let me know if you still finding some issues while reading and writing excel.

      Read Excel

      Write Excel

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