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How to read numeric data from Excel using apache poi for Selenium Webdriver

read numeric data from Excel using apache poi

In the last post, we have already discussed how to read excel data using POI but we have missed one important point which can become the blocker for you. We can read numeric data from Excel using apache poi  for Selenium webdriver.

Our test data contains numeric data, string data, and sometimes combination as well which is totally dynamic in nature. so we need to create such library which will take care of dynamic data.


Read numeric data from Excel using apache poi

read numeric data from Excel using apache poi

read numeric data from Excel using apache poi

Program to read numeric data from Excel using apache poi

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class ReadExcel 

	public void test1() throws Throwable, IOException
	 // return the path of local path of project
         String path=System.getProperty("user.dir");		
         // load workbook
	 XSSFWorkbook wb=new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(new File(path+"/TestData/AppTestData.xlsx")));
        // read numeric data 
	int data= (int)wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(1).getNumericCellValue();
        // print on console
	System.out.println("Data from Excel is >>> "+data);


Few observations while reading the different set of Data

  1. You need to make sure which kind of data you want to read.
  2. To read String value you can call getStringCellValue() method
  3.  To read Numeric value you can call getNumericCellValue() which will return double value which we can typecast into int and then we can use in our test data.

You can check below screenshot which will explain what are the different type of methods which can help us to read data.

read numeric data from Excel using apache poi

read numeric data from Excel using apache poi


While implementing Data-driven framework you have to make sure that data which is coming from excel should be used in script effectively.

The Same concept will be applied while writing to excel as well. While passing the data to excel you can call respective methods.

Let’s see the below screenshot for more details.

read numeric data from Excel using apache poi


In above screenshot,you can see it will ask you to pass the specific data to write in excel.

Hope above post will help you to read the numeric data from excel.

If you have any doubt then let me know in comment section.


About Mukesh Otwani

I am Mukesh Otwani working professional in a beautiful city Bangalore India. I completed by BE from RGPV university Bhopal. I have passion towards automation testing since couple of years I started with Selenium then I got chance to work with other tools like Maven, Ant, Git, GitHub, Jenkins, Sikuli, Selenium Builder etc.

15 thoughts on “How to read numeric data from Excel using apache poi for Selenium Webdriver

  1. Sanjay Garer says:

    Can you please create a article on, how to use xlxs with the Data Provider ?

    1. Hi Sanjay,

      I’ll post it soon…

  2. Sudheendra says:

    I have a excel sheet i have 3 columns
    where the First Column is of String data and the
    Second column is Integer always and the
    Third column is String
    SO how to achieve this while reading the excel using Apache POI

    1. Hi Sudheendra,

      In your code, when you navigate to the corresponding column, based on the type use getStringCellData() or getNumericCellData() methods based on CellType.

      1. kumar says:

        When developing framework how can u be particular about what datatype value is there in the cell. Cant we write generic steps to retrieve data from excel irrespective of any data(any datatype).

        1. Hi Kumar,

          You are correct. This post was specifically for reading numeric type cell data to make it easy to grasp for new learners. Now as you mentioned, at the framework level cell type has to be determined first then we should need to get data from cells. POI provides cellType ENUM( which have to be used while building the framework.

  3. Thulasi says:

    My excel value is 12. I format as text. Still in console it is received as 12.0.
    I tried changing it as numeric and decimal value also 0
    Need help.
    In util class while mentioning sheet, I declared the column as string.

    1. Hi Thulasi,

      If you are sure that value which you are trying to read from excel cell will always lie into int range then you can use this way
      String.valueOf((int)wb.getSheetAt(sheetIndex).getRow(urRowNumber).getCell(columnNumber).getNumericCellValue()) where wb is XSSFWorkbook object

  4. RAJU says:


    1. Hi Raju,

      You can use cell type check before reading any data from any cell like if(cell.getCellType() == cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC)…..if else(cell.getCellType() == cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING)

  5. ankita says:

    Hi Mukesh, How can we write test execution status(Pass/Fail) into excel sheet depends upon the status of test case execution,which will be dymanic in nature.

    1. Yes ANkita, We can do that based on condition you can use try catch and you can write excel accordingly.

  6. asha says:

    I need to know that how to read both the string and integer values from the excel

  7. asha says:

    Thank you mukesh

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