Basic Selenium

How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver

This article will help you to understand How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver and how we can verify the same in our automated test.

Tooltip sometime is also known as Help text.

When we use mouse hover on some element or click on some element then this tooltip comes. Here is a quick example of help text or tooltip.
Capture tooltip in Selenium


Example- Example of Gmail, when we create a new account and fill some fields than for elements you will get the warning or help text.


How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver

Approach to capture tooltip message in Selenium

  • In this example first, open Gmail account.
  • Click on username then tooltip message will appear.
  • Then mouse hover on the message
  • Capture that message in a String variable and print.
  • Then use TestNG Assertion to verify messages.


Program to implement-How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver

package demo1;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;


public class Tooltip {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// This will open browser
 WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();

// This will maximize your browser

// Open gmail account creation page

 // Click on username textbox

 // Create action class object
Actions builder=new Actions(driver);

// find the tooltip xpath
 WebElement username_tooltip=driver.findElement(By.xpath("html/body/div[2]/div[1]"));

// Mouse hover to that text message

// Extract text from tooltip
 String tooltip_msg=username_tooltip.getText();

// Print the tooltip message just for our refrences
 System.out.println("Tooltip/ Help message is "+tooltip_msg);





How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver

How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium

package demo1;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

import org.testng.Assert;

public class Tooltip {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

 // This will open browser
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();

 // This will maximize your browser

// Open Gmail account creation page

// Click on username textbox

// Create action class object
Actions builder=new Actions(driver);

// find the tooltip/helptext message xpath
WebElement username_tooltip=driver.findElement(By.xpath("html/body/div[2]/div[1]"));

// Mouse hover to that text

// Extract the text from tooltip using getText
String tooltip_msg=username_tooltip.getText();

 // Print the tooltip message
System.out.println("Tooltip message is "+tooltip_msg);

// This is expected message should come and store in variable
 String expected_tooltip="You can use letters, numbers, and periods.";

// It will compare if actual matches with expected then TC will fall else it will fail
Assert.assertEquals(tooltip_msg, expected_tooltip);

System.out.println("Message verifed");






How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please comment in case any issue.

Keep in touch. Have a nice day 🙂



About Mukesh Otwani

I am Mukesh Otwani working professional in a beautiful city Bangalore India. I completed by BE from RGPV university Bhopal. I have passion towards automation testing since couple of years I started with Selenium then I got chance to work with other tools like Maven, Ant, Git, GitHub, Jenkins, Sikuli, Selenium Builder etc.

20 thoughts on “How to Capture Tooltip in Selenium Webdriver

  1. Tejas says:


    I am unable to get the text of tooltip tried with above code. Selenium is not printing anything in the console. Below is my code

    Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
    WebElement menuOption = driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[@id=’reminderEmailSentDetails-A111′ and @class=’ReminderEmailSentIcon’]”));
    System.out.println(“Done Mouse hover on reminder sent icon”);

    String expectedstring = menuOption.getText();“Details are”+expectedstring);

    Selenium is only printing Details are in the console

    1. Hi Tejas,

      Please try in debug mode so that you will get exact details like what is the issue.


  2. Ramesh, it does not matter whether it is div tag, span tag. The concept is we need to capture text and validate the date.

  3. Jayesh says:

    Great article Mukesh !!!

    I’m facing challenge in handling captcha in one of my proj, can u suggest some tricks and techniques to handle the same.

    1. Hi Jayesh,

      Please go through the below links

      Hope that these will clarify your doubts

  4. SATVEER BAJWA says:

    Hi Mukesh,
    I am trying to automate the tooptip message after hover the mouse on it , but I am not able to do it. Have some questions:
    1. Do we need to get the xpath of the tool right where user hover the mouse not the location where tooltip message will show? because in my webpage here is icon let say edit after hover the mouse on it shows tooltip message then I need to give xpath of edit icon right?

    1. Hi Satveer,

      Selenium always works on DOM elements. If you want to get text for tooltip, somehow you need to get corresponding locator on DOM based on which you can webdriver operation. Here first you need to mouse hover over required control on screen then wait for few seconds then check for locator property for tooltip.

      1. SATVEER BAJWA says:

        Hi Mukesh,
        Thanks for your reply. Yes it works now, the script ran successfully but when the output printed in console that is only “Tooltip/ Help message is” . it doesn’t extract the message (+tooltip_msg1). or one more thing if we have multiple hover functions on the same page then I used same Create action class object Actions builder=new Actions(driver) multiple times . it ran successfully. is it correct?

        System.out.println(“Tooltip/ Help message is “+tooltip_msg6);

        1. Hi Satveer,

          If you are using same Actions class object then its good only.

          1. SATVEER BAJWA says:

            Okay Thank you so much Mukesh. Please provide me solution for this the script ran successfully but when the output printed in console that is only “Tooltip/ Help message is” . it doesn’t extract the message (+tooltip_msg1).


          2. Hi Satveer,

            Now a days, market is full of different types of ui components and libraries so without looking and working on web ui of application, I can’t provide any solid solution for this.

  5. Suresh says:

    I found every time tool tip changes in DOM as it loads after clicking on text box in browser, so i used below , it works now

    // find the tooltip xpath
    WebElement username_tooltip=driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//div[contains(@id,’bubble’)]”));

  6. Paras says:

    Hi Mukesh,

    How to find the xpath of tool tip item, how did u do that ?

    1. use Mouse Hover and for xpath use firepath.

  7. Manoj Kumar says:

    Hello sir
    How to get the path for the tool-tip, I am not being able to locate it with the help of firebug or fire path?

    1. Raveendra says:

      1) First Navigate to the Create Gmail account page

      2) using the xpath locate the CHOOSE YOUR USERNAME CheckBox By using the Firebug and perform click operation.


      3)After Clicking CheckBox u will get the Tool Tip Message

      4) locate the toolTip Meaage Box using The Xpath Directly or else using MouseHover ,

      Here i ve used the some Explicitwait

      WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,5);
      WebElement Text;
      Text = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath(“html/body/div[3]”)));

      For the time being i have used Explicitwait

      Hope it will helps you

      1. THanks Raveendra 🙂

  8. krishnaveni says:

    Hi mukesh,

    i just tried the tooltip code that you mentioned above. its working well.

    As well i tried with out using action class and that works well.

    so what is the need of using action class over here,can you please clarify..

    Thank you for the blog,which helps a lot

    you can see the code below…

    WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
    //Gmail account creation page

    //click on user name filed


    // create Action class object
    //Actions builder= new Actions(driver);
    //find the tool tip message xpath
    WebElement tooltip = driver.findElement(By.xpath(“html/body/div[3]”));
    //Mouse hoover to that text message
    //get the text
    String tooltip_message = tooltip.getText();

    System.out.println(“tooltip message here” + tooltip_message);

    1. Hi krishnaveni,

      Good to know it worked for you. We used Actions class for Mouse hover 🙂

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